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September 2018 FlowerSeeds.VIP Release

Aloha FlowerSeeds! I am inspired to announce this month’s live release is the “TimeSpace Sound Meditations, Vol. 3” and is now live in your Collection for download and streaming and is now live in the Bandcamp App.

“TimeSpace Sound Meditations, Vol. 3" is made up of 3 movements from 3 different time periods in the evolution of the TimeSpace Sound Meditations.

Movement 1 is called “Crystal Moon”. It was recorded live at the Jackson Wellsprings on the Seamana Stage on June 16th, 2018.

Movement 2 is called “Galactic Dragon". It was recorded live on the New Moon on January 9th, 2016 during a New Moon Sound Meditation Live Stream.

Movement 3 is called “Solar Human". It was recorded live on the New Moon on September 2nd, 2015 during a New Moon Sound Meditation Live Stream.

The release is now available for all FlowerSeeds.VIP subscribers in your Collection for download and streaming and is now live in the Bandcamp App.

Check it out now!

Leave a comment below with your experience of the music.

With All My Love,

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