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6/19-6/26 Cornflower @ World Unity Week


I am deeply honored to be a featured musician alongside 200+ Global Organizations Convene including Dr. Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Paul Hawken, Audrey Kitagawa J.D., Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Jonathan Granoff, Dr. Marty K Casey, Jyoti Ma, Chief Phil Lane Jr., Rocky Dawuni, Kristin Hoffmann, Cornflower, David Sloan Wilson, Gidon Bromberg, and Lyla June.

World UNITY Week is an online and physical world gathering, delivering 8 days of live conversation, music, and creative inspiration June 19-26, 2021. I will be performing during the Opening Ceremony at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern on Saturday, June 19th, as well as being featured with 4 other musical offerings throughout the week.

Interactive live and pre-recorded programming at the intersection of science, technology, transformative practices, and culture engages people across cultures, generations, and geographical boundaries. In this way, World UNITY Week grows community while writing a new story for humanity.

The event is freely offered to a global audience through with many live streams and recordings on

Key conversations during World UNITY Week spotlight topics are collective climate action, partnerships for peace, global governance, interfaith and interracial harmony, sustainable and regenerative development, the role of business and economics, human rights, disarmament, and other key elements of a new kind of future that we are called to create together.

These discussions are interwoven with powerful musical experiences and stories of those who are working on solutions to meet these challenges at the grassroots.

It is an open invitation to any and all to come together and take action on the many challenges we collectively face. World UNITY Week attracts a multi-cultural, intergenerational community beyond borders, at the intersection of science and spirituality, embracing indigenous wisdom, story-telling, music, conscious activism and so much more.

If you feel called to be united with like-minded people all around the world, rising together to embody the justice, peace, healing, and transformation we each envision for the world, then come and join us.