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Cornflower EP profits donated to Japan Recovery

Exactly 140 days ago, Japan was devastated by a triad of disasters. After this major event, I felt empowered to do something with the little I had available. I didn't have lots of money... I didn't have anything to give, except for my love, prayer and music. My wife/manager Nikita and I set our intentions to focus my next music event towards being a total prayer of love and healing to the people of Japan and our world who were experiencing the effects of such a disaster. On March 21st, I released a Live EP titled "AzTheEarthChanges" which was a recording from that intentional musical sharing at CultureWorks in Ashland OR for the Cultured Creatures event.

As of today, I have donated 100% of the profits towards the purchase of the Live EP to Peace Winds America's Japan Relief & Recovery efforts.

I first heard about Peace Winds, while looking for a good place to put these donations. I saw that one of my favorite bands, Phish had also offered a relief effort using Peace Winds as their charity. I immediately read up on what they were doing and knew right then that this was the organization that felt in alignment with my intentions.

The recovery effort for Japan is one that will take a lifetime. Since we are all one global community we must continue our efforts to support Japan, and all of those around the world affected by not only this specific event, but the many that have and continue to take place around our precious Planet. We are our Brother's keeper. Let's continue to stand together with the intentions of love, unity and compassion as we ride this amazing ship we call Earth.

Click here to learn more about Peace Winds America. Click here to Listen, Donate and Download "AzTheEarthChanges".